As we head into the end of 2019, we look back on our most viewed, most “liked,” viral photo of Aquaman Jason Momoa photobombing our bride and groom. While most of you might have seen this photo in your local news or on social media, we thought we’d give you the “behind the scenes” story of how this all came to be.

L’amour Photography and Video’s owner and lead photographer, Eric Mansperger, was photographing an intimate wedding followed by a sunset portrait session near Ko’olina on Oahu. He had heard vague whispers that Jason Momoa was said to be in the area doing promotion for his upcoming premiere of the much anticipated Aquaman movie. As Eric was finishing up the portraits of the bride and groom, he glanced backwards and saw that Jason Momoa was standing on the sand with two local media producers. They were seemingly waiting for the photo session to wrap up so that they could use the gorgeous location for their shoot.

Eric, having had many years of directing photo and video shoots, instantaneously thought up the idea of Jason Momoa acting like Sasquatch strolling by behind the bride and groom. Eric politely explained his idea to Jason Momoa who at first was focused on his own job at hand but then quickly decided that it would make for a hilarious photo and joined in. Jason Momoa borrowed the trident from a young boy who just happened to be strolling on the beach in our area. It really does seem like all the lucky stars in the sky aligned at that moment and these photos are the result.

Jason Momoa was such a great sport and really made this couple’s wedding day even more memorable than it already was. Eric and the bride and groom were endlessly thankful for this photo-op and were even more excited when the photo went viral! News and social media sites spread this image, as well as some candid photos taken by bystanders on the beach, all over the world including India, the UK, and all around Asia just to name a few! There was particular interest here in Hawaii because Jason Momoa is a local boy who is part Hawaiian. We are incredibly thankful to not only meet wonderful people at each wedding, but also have these once in a lifetime moments as well.
Take a look at this news coverage of our viral photo!
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